Fig 6. Depletion of CGC is restored by IL13.
The beanplots show that daily topical rIL13 application in the DES model significantly restored (P<0.0001, one-sided Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) the GFP+ CGCc density (n = 44, PBS-control mice (blue); n = 39, rIL13-treated mice (purple)). Mice from the control group received BAK for 10 days in one eye (PBS in the other) followed by 4 days of PBS in both eyes. Mice from the rIL13 group received BAK in both eyes for 10 days followed by rIL13 in one eye and PBS in the other for 4 days. The percentage of GFP+ CGCc in the treated eye vs. the non-treated eye was calculated for each mouse from pCLE movies. Sample median is shown as horizontal black bars.