(A–D) Transverse sections immunostained for Pax7 (yellow)/Six1 (magenta) or Sox2 (blue)/Six1 (magenta) at HH5 (A), HH6 (B), HH8 (C) and HH9 (D). Grey lines outline the embryo borders. Dashed colored lines indicate borders of strong and weak/no expression of corresponding markers. Sections are oriented medial (left) to lateral (right). (E) Scatterplot of quantification of cells coexpressing Sox2 and Six1, but not Pax7 at HH5 to HH9. (F) Scatterplot of quantification of cells coexpressing Pax7 and Six1, but not Sox2 at HH5 to HH9. (G) Boxplot showing quantification of cells in the neural plate border/dorsal neural fold expressing only one of the markers examined (Sox2 only, Pax7 only, Tfap2a only) or a combination of two (Sox2/Pax7, Sox2/Tfap2a, Pax7/Tfap2a) or three markers (Sox2/Pax7/Tfap2a) at HH7 (light grey), HH8 (medium grey) to HH9 (black). For quantification, non-consecutive sections from a representative embryo were used for each stage (HH7, n = 12 sections; HH8, n = 9 sections; HH9, n = 5 sections).