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. 2017 Mar 30;8:91. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00091

Table 2.

Literature review results for qEEG biomarkers in humans.

Reference Year Measure Subjects Control Pre-HD HD Electrophysiological Finding(s) Clinical correlation(s) CAG-repeat correlation Other
Lazar et al. (41) 2015 EEG-PSG 82 36 38 8 5–7 Hz range (theta and alpha–theta border) relative power lower in pre-HD and early HD during REM relative to controls (p < 0.00125) Relative power in 5–7 Hz range in HD during REM negatively correlated with disease burden score (DBS) None
6–7 Hz range (theta and alpha–theta border) relative power lower in pre-HD and early HD during NREM relative to controls (p < 0.00125)

Piano et al. (42) 2015 LORETA 46 23 0 23 Alpha power higher in HD during NREM relative to control (p < 0.01) Delta LORETA power negatively correlated with Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS) during wake None Includes a literature review table that goes back further than the one in this review
Alpha power lower in HD during REM relative to control (p < 0.01)
Beta power lower in HD during NREM relative to control (p < 0.01) Alpha, beta, and theta LORETA power positively correlated with UHDRS during NREM
Theta power lower in HD during NREM and REM relative to control (p < 0.01)
Delta power higher in HD during wake relative to control (p < 0.01)

Ponomareva et al. (43) 2014 qEEG 58 29 29 0 8–9 Hz range (alpha) relative power lower in pre-HD relative to control (p < 0.05) Alpha, theta, and delta relative power positively correlated with DBS in pre-HD CAG repeat length positively correlated with delta and theta relative power, 4–5 and 5–6 Hz bin relative power
7–8 Hz range (alpha–theta border) relative power lower in pre-HD relative to control (p < 0.01) Extreme positive correlation between the difference of relative power between 7–8 and 4–5 Hz bin and DBS Negatively correlated with alpha relative power, 7–8, 9–10, and 10–11 Hz bin relative power
Delta and theta relative power negatively correlated with FAS score
Alpha relative power positively correlated with FAS score
Extreme positive correlation between the difference of relative power between 7–8 and 4–5 Hz bin and FAS score

Painold et al. (44) 2011 LORETA 110 55 0 55 Alpha LORETA power lower in HD relative to control (p < 0.05) Alpha LORETA power positively correlated with Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score None Delta power observations were primarily in later stages of HD
Beta LORETA power lower in HD relative to control (p < 0.05)
Theta LORETA power lower in HD relative to control (p < 0.05) Theta and alpha LORETA power negatively correlated with UHDRS
Delta LORETA power higher in HD relative to control (p < 0.05)

Painold et al. (49) 2010 EEG Mapping 110 55 0 55 Absolute alpha power lower in HD relative to control (p < 0.05) Absolute alpha power positively correlated with MMSE score and negatively with UHDRS None
Absolute beta power lower in HD relative to control (p < 0.05) Absolute beta power positively correlated with MMSE and UHDRS scores
Absolute theta power higher in HD relative to control (p < 0.05) Absolute delta power positively correlated with MMSE score and negatively with UHDRS
Absolute delta power higher in HD relative to control (p < 0.05) Absolute theta power negatively correlated with MMSE and UHDRS scores

Hunter et al. (45) 2010 qEEG 42 15 3 24 Absolute delta power higher in HD relative to control (p = 0.0000001) Absolute alpha power negatively correlated with MMSE, digit symbol, and Stroop reading scores Relative delta power AP gradient negatively correlated with CAG-repeat length Absolute alpha power increase was only significant when medicated patients were included in analysis
Relative alpha anterior–posterior (AP)-gradient lower in HD relative to control (p = 0.000004) Relative alpha AP-gradient positively correlated with Burden Pathology Score (BPS) score and negatively with Total Functional Capacity (TFC) and Stroop reading scores
Relative delta AP-gradient lower in HD relative to control (p = 0.02) Relative delta AP-gradient positively correlated with TFC score and negatively with BPS and Total Motor Symptoms scores

Van der Hiele et al. (46) 2007 qEEG 29 13 16 0 Relative alpha power lower in Pre-HD relative to control (p = 0.003) None None
Absolute alpha power lower in Pre-HD relative to control (p = 0.013)
Theta power unchanged in Pre-HD relative to control (p = 0.36)

De Tommaso et al. (47) 2003 qEEG 33 13 7 13 Absolute alpha power lower in HD relative to control (significance not reported) None None No conclusions made regarding Pre-HD
Absolute theta power higher in HD relative to control (significance not reported)
Absolute delta power higher in HD relative to control (significance not reported)

Base search terms included (EEG OR EEG Mapping OR qEEG) AND (Huntington’s Disease OR Huntington’s OR Huntington OR Huntington Disease). Additional terms included biomarker, preclinical, power spectral analysis, neural networks, and LORETA. Results were restricted to humans. Information noted includes recording modality used, the total number of subjects, the number of Huntington’s Disease (HD) subjects, the number of HDGEC/pre-HD subjects, the number of control subjects, any relevant qEEG-related findings, and correlations of those findings to clinical and genetic measures.