Predicted and observed (means ± SE) of potato in vitro plantlets growth parameters treated with respiratory chain inhibitors or not and inoculated or not with R. irregulare under five phosphorus concentrations. Plantlets were inoculated (M, black continuous lines and closed circles) or not (NM, black dashed lines and open circles) with R. irregulare, treated by SHAM (at 7 DAI – 0.1 mM) and inoculated (M SHAM, red continuous lines and closed triangles) or not (SHAM, red dashed lines and open triangles), and treated by KCN (at 7 DAI – 0.1 mM) and inoculated (M KCN, blue continuous lines and closed squares) or not (KCN, blue dashed lines and open squares) through five phosphorus concentrations (harvesting at 8 WAI, n = 3). Whenever M and NM treatments did not differ significantly for a given treatment same colors and symbols were used except that dots and dashed lines and half tone symbols were used. Linear regressions and analyses of variances were done with Statgraphics 4.2 (STSC, Inc., Rockville, MD, USA), all other statistics used in regression were performed in Excel® (Microsoft Corporation). Regression coefficients after solving the overall equation fitted are shown in Supplementary Table S3.