Three transcriptional regulators were predicted by the EGRIN model to influence the expression of SR genes. Influence of each regulator on its predicted targets is shown with color‐coded lines, with total number of gene targets above each regulator.
Maximum growth rates for all Dv strains in excess sulfate condition.
Maximum growth rates for wild type and the three regulatory mutants of Dv subsequent to transfer from a sulfate‐depleted condition to a growth medium with excess sulfate. Significant growth rate differences relative to wild type are indicated with an asterisk.
Data information: (B and C) The lower and upper ends of the boxes (“hinges”) correspond to the first and third quartiles (the 25
th and 75
th percentiles). Horizontal lines correspond to median values. Error bars extend from the upper or lower hinges to the highest or lowest values that are within 1.5× IQR (interquartile range) of the hinge, respectively. Measurements are from three replicates.
Source data are available online for this figure.