Figure 2. Integrated intra-mitochondria cristae and matrix network in 3D.
(A) Slices of mitochondrial electron tomographic reconstruction showing switches between lamellar membranes through the z-axis. (B) Carton illustrations of the observed cristae switching patterns of right handed and/or left-handed spirals. (C) Tomographic segmentation illustrating a left-handed spiral in 3D (D) Jointed tomograms were subjected to volume segmentation. Cristae switching patterns were analyzed and color-rendered on the segmentation model accordingly (E,F). Tomographic slice with lateral matrix confluency (dark densities, marked red) across cristae membranes (white densities). (G) Segmentation model of the tomogram in (E) showing lateral matrix confluency (in red) and representative cristae (in gray). Scale bar: 50 nm (A), 200 nm (C), 300 nm (D), and 300 nm (E).