Figure 1.
Differential gene expression in different cancer cell lines induced by flavonoids and alkaloids as well as Compound Kushen Injection (CKI). Left hand axis shows differentially expressed genes, bottom axis shows natural anti-cancer agent treatments (Quercetin, Curcumin, Trifolirhizin = flavonoids), (Vinblastine, Tetrandrine, Matrine, Oxymatrine = alkaloids), and (compound mixture = CKI) and the right hand axis shows Gene Ontology (GO) clustering and annotation of differentially expressed genes. Up and down-regulated genes (up = YELLOW and down = BLUE) known to be affected by natural compound anti-cancer agents were obtained from and significantly differentially expressed genes from CKI treated MCF-7 cells were obtained from RNA-Seq experiments conducted by Qu et al. [87].