Figure 7.
Expression patterns of novel miRNA target transcripts. RT-qPCR profiles are shown for n_22 (A), n_47 (B), n_231 (C), n_327 (D), n_191 (E), n_520 (F), n_479 (G), and n_622 (H) target genes in correlation with each related novel miRNA, measured in leaf (L) and root (R) samples collected from either CS and M4 autografted (A–C and F–H) or heterografted (D and E) vines upon irrigated (IRR) and DS conditions. The ubiquitin (VvUBI) and actin (VvACT1) genes were used as endogenous controls for the normalization procedure of target transcripts, while VvsnRU6 was the endogenous control for miRNA expression analysis. Error bars represent se (n = 3).