Figure 3.
Characterization of polar lipids of O. tauri. A to C, Two-dimensional high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) separation and staining of O. tauri polar glycerolipids. Migrations were performed in chloroform:methanol:water (65:25:4, v/v) for the first dimension (arrow 1) and chloroform:methanol:isopropylamine:concentrated ammonia (65:35:0.5:5, v/v) for the second migration (arrow 2). A, Primuline staining of all lipids. B, PL-specific staining by Molybdenum Blue. C, Dragendorff reagent staining. D, Estimation of polar glycerolipid content by FAME-GC-FID analysis of polar glycerolipids separated by two-dimensional HPTLC. The quantity (µg) of FA in each lipid (as labeled) and the percentage of FA in polar lipids are indicated.