Figure 6.
Overexpression of GmZF351 increases seed oil content in transgenic soybean plants. A, Total FA contents in seeds of various plants. The cv Jack, vector control, and GmZF351 transgenic soybean plants (OE-34, OE-40, and OE-73) were used. Error bars indicate sd (n = 4). Asterisks indicate significant differences compared with cv Jack (**, P < 0.01). B, FA composition in seeds of various plants. Others are as in A. C, TAG contents in seeds of GmZF351 transgenic plants. Error bars indicate sd (n = 3). Asterisks indicate significant differences compared with cv Jack (*, P < 0.05). DW, Dry weight. D, Enhanced expression of lipid biosynthesis genes and regulatory genes in GmZF351 transgenic soybean. Transcript levels of BCCP2 homolog (Glyma19g03530), KASIII homolog (Glyma15g00550), TAG1 homologs (Glyma13g16560 and Glyma17g06120), OLEO2 homologs (Glyma19g13060 and Glyma16g07800), and WRI1 homologs (Glyma15g34770 and Glyma08g24420) were detected in H5 stage seeds from various plants. The cv Jack, vector control, and GmZF351 transgenic soybean plants (OE-34, OE-40, and OE-73) were used. The mRNA level (relative to GmTUBULIN) of each gene in cv Jack was set to 1. Error bars indicate sd (n = 3). E, GmZF351 activates the promoter activities of BCCP2 homolog (Glyma19g03530), KASIII homolog (Glyma15g00550), TAG1 homologs (Glyma13g16560 and Glyma17g06120), OLEO2 homologs (Glyma19g13060 and Glyma16g07800), and WRI1 homologs (Glyma15g34770 and Glyma08g24420) by transient expression assay in tobacco leaves. The promoters of downstream genes were fused with LUC as reporters. A. tumefaciens harboring a reporter vector was mixed with A. tumefaciens harboring 35S:GmZF351-FLAG and infiltrated into tobacco leaves. A. tumefaciens harboring pGWB412 was used as a negative control. LUC images were taken 2 d after infiltration. F, Quantitative analysis of the luminescence intensity in E. Luminescence intensity was analyzed with IndiGo software. Error bars indicate sd (n = 5).