Figure 5.
AmmTX3, a specific blocker of Kv4 subunits, abolishes rebound pauses of all durations in mesoaccumbal and nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. A, Example of an averaged interspike interval from a spontaneously active mesoaccumbal dopamine neuron. The black line indicates linear fit to slope. B, Rebound delay from the same neuron. C, D, Plot of the relationship between the slope of the interspike voltage trajectory and the rebound delay. E, Example traces from a mesoaccumbal neuron demonstrating effect of 1M AmmTX3 on interspike voltage trajectory during pacemaking. The interspike interval slope increased from 23.66 to 109.1 mV/s in the presence of 1M of AmmTX3. F, Effect of AmmTX3 on interspike voltage trajectory of a nigrostriatal neuron. The interspike voltage increased from 34.5 to 94.47 mV/s in AmmTX3. G, H, Traces demonstrating effect of AmmTX3 in reducing rebound pause in mesoaccumbal (E) and nigrostriatal (F) dopamine neurons. I, J, Averaged time course of normalized rebound delays under control conditions and following application of 1M AmmTX3 in mesoaccumbal (orange symbols; I) and nigrostriatal dopamine neurons (black symbols; J). Data are shown as averages ± SEM.