AT1aR-Cre neurons project primarily to the median eminence. a, Schematic illustrating (1) the viral construct used to direct the Cre-dependent expression of ChR2 and eYFP to neurons within the PVN of the AT1aR-Cre mouse, (2) the bilateral injection of the AAV into the PVN, and (3) the subsequent Cre-mediated inversion of the dual floxed eYFP and ChR2 into the correct orientation. b, Coronal section through the PVN of a representative “hit” used for the neuroanatomical studies highlighting the specific localization of eYFP (green) to the neurons (HuC/D, labeled in red) of PVN of the AT1aR-Cre mouse and not to adjacent brain nuclei. c–f, Higher-magnification images of the PVN of such a representative hit underscoring again the specificity of the injection and also depicting the ventrolateral projection of the eYFP fibers. g, Dual-label IHC for eYFP and CRH in an AT1aR-Cre mouse that received the AAV-ChR2-eYFP into the PVN. 3v, Third cerebral ventricle. Scale bars: b, 1 μm; c–f, 200 μm; g–i, 100 μm.