Fig. S12.
BAP1 does not bind on ATF4 promoter. (A) UMRC6 stables cell were cultured in glucose-free medium for 4 h, then assayed by ChIP using anti-FLAG (for BAP1), anti–H2A-Ub, or anti-BMI1 antibody. The level of enriched promoters was examined by qPCR using primers specific for each promoter. (B and C) The effect of BMI1 inhibitor on the expression of ATF4. UMRC6 (B) or 786-O (C) stable cells were cultured in glucose-free medium with vehicle or 5 nM BMI1 inhibitor PTC-209 (BMI1i) for 4 or 24 h, ATF4 gene expression was then analyzed using real-time qPCR.