MP controls asymmetric division of the first embryogenic ground tissue cells. (A) Tissue initiation during early Arabidopsis embryogenesis. The 16-cell, globular, transition, and heart stages are shown from Top to Bottom. Central basal cells (green) divide to generate the first vascular (yellow) and ground tissue (blue) cells. These first ground tissue cells divide again to generate endodermis (orange) and cortex (purple) cell types. The extraembryonic suspensor cell adjacent to the embryo is specified as hypophysis (red) and divides asymmetrically to generate root precursors. (B and C) Expression of the Q0990 enhancer trap (in green) in the globular- (B) and heart-stage (C) embryos. Membranes are counterstained by Renaissance RS2200 (red signal). (D–G) Phenotypes of F1 embryos derived from crosses between Q0990 and wild type (D and F) or Q0990 and UAS::bdl (E and G) at globular- (E and F) and heart- (F and G) stages. (H and I) Phenotypes of globular-stage wild-type (H) and mp mutant (I) embryos. Ground tissue divisions are indicated by green arrowheads, vascular divisions by red arrowheads, and hypophysis division by white arrowheads.