Attributes of different pin-like shoots. (A–C) Kinetics of response to auxin (20 mM IAA) microapplied to TIBA pin (A) and lfs (B), imaged at the same settings every 30 min. The t0, 3 h, and 6 h images are presented, as well as quantification of the meristem fluorescence (C), measured with ImageJ. AU: arbitrary units. (D) Apex of tomato pFIL>>IAA7-mDII. (E) Tomato pFIL>>ENTIRE-mDII. Note that, like TIBA pins, naked pins lack trichomes at their basal domain. (F) Arabidopsis pANT>>IAA26-mDII. (G) Arabidopsis pANT>>ENTIRE-mDII comprising short radial cotyledons and an arrested meristem. (Scale bars: 100 µm.)