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. 2017 Mar 30;12(3):e0174449. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174449

Table 2. Fresh, frozen or ethanol preserved samples of birds (representatives of 18 orders) and mammals (representatives of 6 orders) used to test the performance of the new primer sets, with information on voucher ID, fragments of the COI barcoding region that could be successfully amplified (colors refer to the fragments in Fig 1), and GenBank accession numbers.

Segments of the COI barcoding region
Species Voucher ID1 Start In1 In2 In3 In4 End GenBank Acc. No.
Apus apus (Apo) NMW 95220 A1 KY754482
Aquila heliaca (Acc) NMW Tsk8806 A1 KY754483
Ardea cinerea (Pel) NMW 95269 A1 KY754483
Bubo bubo (Str) NMW 96993 A1 KY754483
Buteo buteo (Acc) NMW Sk11361 A1 KY754483
Caprimulgus europaeus (Cap) NMW Sk9700 A1 KY754491
Carduelis carduelis (Pas) ENR663 A1 KY754492
Chroicocephalus ridibundus (Cha) G 1110 A1 KY661875
Ciconia ciconia (Cic) ENR658 A2 KY754495
Columba palumbus (Col) ENR666 A2 KY754497
Corvus monedula (Pas) NMW 97965 A1 KY754498
Cuculus canorus (Cuc) NMW Sk8428 A1 KY754498
Cygnus olor (Ans) ENR655 A1 KY754502
Dendrocopos major (Pic) ENR660 A1 KY754503
Erithacus rubecula (Pas) ENR667 A1 KY754507
Falco tinnunculus (Fal) ENR659 A1 KY754508
Hirundo rustica (Pas) ENR651 A1 KY754510
Jynx torquilla (Pic) G 518 A1 KY661876
Motacilla alba (Pas) NMW Sk11330 A1 KY754516
Otis tarda (Oti) NMW Tsk8715 A1 KY754526
Perdix perdix (Gal) NMW 96059 A1 KY754528
Phalacrocorax carbo (Pel) G 624 A1 KY661877
Podiceps cristatus (Pod) NMW Sk9712 M3 KY754538
Prunella modularis (Pas) ENR665 A1 KY754541
Rallus aquaticus (Gru) G 849 A1 KY661878
Scolopax rusticola (Cha) NMW Sk10060 A1 KY754548
Streptopelia decaocto (Col) NMW 95649 A1 KY754551
Strix aluco (Str) NMW 11352 A1 KY754552
Tadorna tadorna (Ans) ENR649 A1 KY754553
Turdus merula (Pas) ENR653 A1 KY754556
Upupa epops (Buc) G 661 A1 KY661879
Vanellus vanellus (Cha) NMW Sk11151 A1 KY754558
Apodemus flavicollis (Ro) NMW 69080 M1 KY754481
Arvicola amphibius (Ro) NMW 68442 M3 KY754485
Bos taurus breed (Ce) - M4 KY661880
Capreolus capreolus (Ce) NMW F 2732 x A2 M4 KY754489
Capreolus capreolus (Ce) SLJG 40784 M4 KY754490
Castor fiber (Ro) NMW 68188 M1 KY754493
Cricetus cricetus (Ro) NMW 68512 M1 KY754499
Crocidura suaveolens (Eu) NMW 68240 M4 KY754500
Erinaceus roumanicus (Eu) NMW 69082 A2 M1 KY754506
Felis catus (Ca) - M4 KY661882
Glis glis (Ro) NMW 69079 M1 KY754509
Lepus europaeus (La) NMW 69075 M4 KY754511
Lutra lutra (Ca) NMW 68226 M1 KY754512
Martes foina (Ca) NMW 68990 x2 M1 KY754515
Martes foina (Ca) NMW 68228 2 M1 KY754514
Muscardinus avellanarius (Ro) NMW 69081 M1 KY754517
Mustela putorius (Ca) NMW F 2735 M1 KY754518
Myotis mystacinus (Ch) NMW 68355 M3 KY754520
Myotis nattereri (Ch) OLML 2005/118 x X M3 KY754521
Neomys anomalus (Eu) OLML 2013/183 M3 KY754522
Nyctalus noctula (Ch) NMW 68359 x M3 KY754523
Nyctalus noctula (Ch) OLML 2005/100 M3 KY754524
Ondatra zibethicus (Ro) NMW 68327 M3 KY754525
Pipistrellus kuhlii (Ch) NMW 68346 x M3 KY754530
Pipistrellus nathusii (Ch) NMW 68348 x x x M3 KY754531
Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Ch) NMW 68447 x M4 KY754532
Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Ch) NMW 68352 x M4 KY754533
Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Ch) NMW 69078 x A2 M4 KY754534
Plecotus auritus (Ch) OLML 2005/514 x x KY754535
Plecotus auritus (Ch) OLML 2009/447 M4 KY754537
Procyon lotor (Ca) NMW 68071 A2 M1 KY754539
Rattus norvegicus (Ro) NMW 68438 M1 KY754542
Rupicapra rupicapra (Ce) NMW 68065 M1 KY754546
Sciurus vulgaris (Ro) NMW 69074 M1 M4 KY754547
Spermophilus citellus (Ro) NMW 68222 M4 KY754550
Sus scrofa (Ce) - A1 KY661881
Talpa europaea (Eu) NMW 68331 M3 KY754555
Vespertilio murinus (Ch) NMW 68353 M3 KY754559

Abbrevations in parentheses following the species names refer to higher bird or mammal taxa. Birds: Apo, Apodiformes; Acc, Accipitriformes; Ans, Anseriformes; Buc, Bucerotiformes; Cap, Caprimulgiformes; Cha, Charadriiformes; Cic, Ciconiiformes; Col, Columbiformes; Cuc, Cuculiformes; Fal, Falconidae; Gal, Galliformes; Gru, Gruiformes; Oti, Otidiformes; Pas, Passeriformes; Pel, Pelecaniformes; Pic, Piciformes; Pod, Podicipediformes; Str, Strigiformes; Mammals: Ca, Carnivora; Ce, Cetartiodactyla; Ch, Chiroptera; Eu, Eulipotyphla; La, Lagomorpha; Ro, Rodentia.

x, fragment could not be amplified.

For the end-fragment, the exact primer combination used is given (see Table 1).

1, codes indicate the collections where the voucher specimen is deposited: NMW & ENR, Natural History Museum Vienna; OLML, Oberösterreichisches Landesmusseum Linz; SLJG, Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz; G, DNA sample obtained from the Natural History Museum Vienna, but no voucher specimen is available.

2, only nuclear mitochondrial pseudogene (numt) was amplified with standard primer pair M_int4.