The comparative effect of methaneselenol (6) and trifluoromethaneselenol (8), generated by incubating 40 U/L methioninase with 0, 1.25, 2.5 or 5 μM SeM (5) or TFSeM (7) (as 7b), respectively, on the cell growth of HCT116 human colon cancer cells for 16 h. Values are means ± SEM, n = 4. The letters represent whether measured values are significantly different (p < 0.05, Tukey’s contrasts) between different conditions. If two bars share at least one letter, than the difference between them is not statistically significant (p>0.05), but if they do not have a letter in common, than the measured difference between them is statistically significant (p<0.05). The vertical scale represents the viable cell number of HCT116 human colon cancer cells per mL after 16 h treatment. Each treatment was done with one flask, individually, containing 5 mL media with equal amount of cells prior to treatment.