Figure 1. Task design.
a, In Task 1, rewarded odors forecasted a 100% chance of reward delivery. Odors B and C trials had constant ISIs, while odor A trials had a variable ISI drawn from a discretized Gaussian distribution defined over 9 timepoints. b, In Task 2, rewarded odors forecasted a 90% chance of reward delivery. ISIs for each odor were identical to Task 1. c, Histogram of ISIs for odor A trials during an example Task 1 recording session, showing 9 possible reward delivery times. d, Histogram of ISIs for odor A trials during an example Task 2 recording session. e-f, Averaged non-normalized PSTH for licking behavior across all Task 1 (e) and Task 2 (f) recording sessions. Animals lick sooner for Odor B (ISI = 1.2s) than for Odor C (ISI = 2.8s) trials. Licking patterns for Odor A (variable ISI centered around 2.0s) fall in between licking patterns for Odor B and Odor C.