A and B, EC‐specific expression was confirmed using WT Kir2.1‐HA adenoviral vector in human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs; A) and murine mesenteric smooth muscle cells (SMCs; B). C, representative Kir current traces in HAECs with empty or EC‐specific WT Kir2.1‐HA adenoviral vector confirms incorporation of functional Kir channels into EC membranes. D, average Kir current densities recorded from virus‐transfected HAECs (empty adv, n = 6; EC Kir2.1 adv, n = 7 cells in 3 independent experiments, *
P < 0.05). E, representative FIV trace of empty or EC‐specific WT Kir2.1‐HA transfected mesenteric arteries harvested from Kir2.1+/− mice. F, average flow‐induced dilatations of empty or EC‐specific WT Kir2.1‐HA transfected mesenteric arteries harvested from Kir2.1+/− mice with and without 30 μm Ba2+ (n = 4 per group, *
P < 0.05). G, average dilatations of virus‐transfected arteries at Δ100 cmH2O. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]