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. 2017 Feb 28;31(4):289–305. doi: 10.1007/s40263-017-0415-2

Table 3.

Summary of methodology used for examining correlates of BV and the associated clinical relevance [45]

Evaluation BV parameter Patient/disease parameters Analysis methodology
Baseline correlation Baseline NBV Baseline parameters:
 Duration of MS since first symptoms
 Number of relapses during the year before study
 Number of relapses during the 2 years before study
 Disability, measured using EDSS score
 Disability, measured using MSFC score
 Gd-enhancing lesion number
 T2 lesion volume
 T1-hypointense lesion volume
Pairwise Pearson (or Spearman) correlation: data presented with 95% CIs and p values determined using Fisher z transformation
Statistical model selection process to identify the best baseline predictors of NBV:
1. Forward model selection based on multiple regression models and AIC was conducted separately for each study
2. The order of importance was ranked in each study, and ranks were then averaged across studies to weight the studies equally. The best baseline predictors were defined as those with the lowest mean ranks across studies. Only candidate variables that were consistently selected in all studies were considered for inclusion in the final model
3. The analysis was repeated, excluding MSFC as a candidate variable
4. A multiple linear regression model was used to investigate the combined effect of more than one explanatory variable on NBV
The final model was fitted to all three studies for parameter estimation
Baseline predictors of on-study change PBVC on-study Baseline parameters
As baseline correlation (above), plus:
Pairwise Pearson or Spearman correlation as above
Statistical model selection process as steps 1–3 above, then:
4. A final multiple regression model with treatment and the two best predictors was then refitted to the data from each of the three studies to quantify PBVC as a function of the best predictors. No adjustment was made for multiplicity
Longitudinal (on-study) correlation PBVC on-study On-study parameters:
 Number of confirmed relapses
 EDSS score
 MSFC score
 Cumulative number of Gd-enhancing lesions
 T2 lesion volume
 Number of new or enlarged T2 lesions
 T1-hypointense lesion volume
Pairwise Pearson or Spearman correlation: data were presented with 95% CIs and p values determined using Fisher z transformation

AIC Akaike Information Criterion, BV brain volume, CI confidence interval, EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scale, Gd gadolinium, MS multiple sclerosis, MSFC MS Functional Composite, NBV normalized brain volume, PBVC percentage brain volume change