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. 2017 Mar 16;19(3):e75. doi: 10.2196/jmir.6678

Table 1.

Categories of digital trace data.

Category Description
Activity The physical handling of the phone. The phone hardware includes an accelerometer and gyroscope. The gyroscope was used to determine angle, velocity, direction, and acceleration of the phone. The accelerometer provided data on rate of rotation on the X, Y, and Z axes.
Social How the user is interacting with others through the phone. Collected the time and deidentified descriptor (see privacy and security section) of all outgoing and ingoing phone calls and SMS (short message service, SMS) text messages.
Location Where the phone is physically located. Data are combined by the phone operating system from global positioning service (GPS), mobile phone tower triangulation, and WiFi network locations. These data consist of time stamp, longitude, and latitude readings. WiFi network names, WiFi access, usernames, or passwords were not collected.
Device interaction When the phone is being used. Data are timestamps of when the phone screen is turned on or activated and when it is turned off. We did not record app usage, keystrokes, or any other measure of active use of the device.
Device information Data describing the physical device. This included variables on phone make, model, battery status (% full), and phone operating system version. This data is used for quality assurance testing.
Vocal cues Digital recordings of audio-diaries were processed to extract measurements related to speaking, rate, prosody, intonation, and voice quality. These measurements were computed on short-term overlapping frames and then aggregated (using descriptive statistics) over the entire audio diary entry. The lexical content of the recordings was not analyzed.
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