Figure 6. Early weaning increase of Mist1 transcriptional factor in pups does not involve corticosterone action.
Mist1 was detected by immunofluorescence (Cy3- conjugated antibody) and labeled nuclei (arrowheads) were seen at the base of the gland (A). At 18 days, few Mist1- cells were interspersed among epithelial cells (arrows), but positive population increased with early weaning and aging (30 days). DAPI staining was used to allow gland identification and delimitation. Representative images were obtained under confocal laser scanning microscope using HeNe and Diode lasers at 543 and 505–530 nm of excitation, respectively. Original magnification: X63. (B) The number of Mist1-positive cells/field shown as means ± S.E.M. (n) = 3–4 for each group. ***P < 0. 001 and ****P < 0.0001 after one- tailed Student t test for dietary condition.