Vasculopathy and changes in plasma ADAMTS13 and VWF profiles in FH
W1206R mutant mice. (A) Endothelium-dependent and independent
relaxation of small mesenteric arteries was impaired in FHR/R
mice. The endothelium-dependent nature of the phenotype was established
by the use of inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (L-NAME), COX (INDO),
and KCa (TEA). An endothelium-independent component of the
phenotype was indicated by the use of SNP, which acts directly on
vascular smooth muscle cells. Three vessel segments per mouse were
analyzed (n = 3 mice). (B) ADAMTS13 activity and plasma VWF levels
were significantly higher in FHR/R mice than in
FHW/W or FHR/R mice (n = 7 per group for
ADAMTS13; n = 3 per group for VWF). (C) Western blot of plasma VWF
shows that FHR/R mice had higher levels of total VWF (n
= 5; each lane represents 1 mouse) and more abundant
lower-molecular-weight (MW) multimers. (D) The ratio of high- to
low-molecular-weight VWF multimers, as defined in panel C and
quantitated using ImageJ software, was significantly lower in
FHR/R mice. Data are from 8-week-old FHW/W,
FHW/R, and FHR/R mice. Data in panels B,D
represent mean ± SD of results from all mice.
*P < .05; **P
< .01; ***P < .001 (one-way
ANOVA and Student t test). AA, arachidonic acid; eNOS,
endothelial nitric oxide synthase; MW, molecular weight; NO, nitric
oxide; PGI2, prostaglandin I2.