Extended Data Figure 3. Monitoring HIF-1α and CITED2 competition for 15N-TAZ1 binding by NMR spectroscopy.
a, Full 1H-15N HSQC spectra from NMR competition experiments with HIF-1α and CITED2 transactivation domain peptides. Superimposed spectra are shown for 15N-TAZ1 in the presence of one molar equivalent of HIF-1α (black), one molar equivalent of CITED2 (cyan), and one molar equivalent of both HIF-1α and CITED2 peptides (red, with fewer contours displayed for visibility). The tryptophan indole amide resonances are shown as an inset in the lower left corner. b, Detailed view of selected 15N-TAZ1 resonances. The spectral region highlighted in panel b is marked by the dotted lines on the full spectra in a. The spectra are displayed as described for a.