Fig 5. Mito-nuclear effects on State 3 Respiration.
State 3 OxPhos metabolism in the MK population is oxygen respiration dependent on substrates and ADP, and the data graphed are the residuals from Admixture ancestry, body mass, acclimation temperature and assay temperature [109]. A: ANCOVA (p-val = 0.0194): individuals were assigned to one of four groups based on their 34 outlier genotypes and mt-haplotypes: ‘North Mito North Nuclear’ are individuals with >70% of alleles from the 349 outlier SNPs associated with northern mt-haplotypes, “South Mito South Nuclear” with >70% of alleles from the 349 outlier SNPs associated with southern mt-haplotypes, and the two mixed ancestral groups: individuals where >30% of nuclear genotypes are associated with the opposite mt-haplotype, as defined by STRUCTURE. Means (dot) and standard errors are displayed. N = 155. Letters (“a”, “b” are significantly different based on Tukey post-hoc comparison). B: Regression of residuals of State 3 versus fraction of southern ancestory (0.0–1.0) as defined by STRUCTURE with K = 2. Linear regression is significant (p <0.0055) with an R2 = 0.062