Figure 3.
The simulated electric field amplitude |E/E0| as a function of distance z from the surface, for the resonant excitation of LSP (dashed lines) and coexcited LSP and PSP (solid lines) on Au nanohole array substrate at λ=632.8 nm. The field distributions are plotted for (A) x=0, y=70 nm and (B) x=70 nm, y=0. (C and D) The electric field amplitude |E/E0| as a function of lateral distance for different heights above the surface z=1, 5, and 10 nm for the resonant excitation of LSP (dashed lines) and coexcited LSP and PSP (solid lines). The field distributions are plotted for (C) x=0, z=1, 5, and 10 nm and (D) y=0, z=1, 5, and 10 nm. The cross points of x, y, and z axes are x=y=z=0.
Abbreviations: LSP, localized surface plasmon; PSP, propagating surface plasmon.