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. 2017 Apr 3;11:173. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00173

Table 3.

Number of significant voxels (Nsign) and percentage (%) of significant voxels per total number of voxels (Ntotal) per ROI of the JHU atlas (ICBM-DTI81 White Matter Labels) with significant changes in AD values when comparing Total-HIQ (Tot-HIQ), homogeneous-HIQ (Hom-HIQ) and heterogeneus-HIQ (Het-HIQ) groups with the Control (C) group, and in FA values when comparing Hom-HIQ and Het-HIQ groups.

ROIs L/R Ntotal Nsign % Ntotal Nsign % Ntotal Nsign % Ntotal Nsign %
GCC 1,630 1,138 70 1,528 817 53 1,443 687 48 1,495 634 42
BCC 2,777 1,781 64 2,606 1,458 56 2,608 1,576 60 2,970 1,813 61
SCC 1,069 273 26 878 340 39 916 68 7 1,500 574 38
CP R 543 354 65 446 278 62 484 238 49 310 0 0
L 387 267 69 335 0 0 392 278 71 238 0 0
SCP R 148 115 78 46 11 24 132 108 82 84 0 0
L 189 95 50 88 31 35 168 74 44 128 0 0
ICP R 46 12 26 44 0 0 17 11 65 135 0 0
L 109 26 24 111 49 44 82 0 0 123 0 0
SCR R 1,300 846 65 1,116 531 48 1,312 779 59 1,199 49 4
L 972 335 34 654 35 5 1,229 442 36 796 26 3
ACR R 1,437 947 66 1,374 834 61 1,313 446 34 1,412 492 35
L 1,558 1,178 76 1,590 1,018 64 1,610 1,175 73 1,138 236 21
PCR R 353 165 47 584 164 28 272 55 20 563 0 0
L 450 164 36 757 380 50 452 79 17 627 253 40
ALIC R 611 273 45 599 280 47 632 263 42 492 0 0
L 731 454 62 649 61 9 732 469 64 512 0 0
PLIC R 791 587 74 704 446 63 762 528 69 464 0 0
L 724 353 49 466 5 1 810 513 63 303 0 0
RLIC R 530 222 42 661 327 49 301 6 2 558 0 0
L 400 147 37 550 212 39 398 56 14 619 219 35
EC R 900 292 32 860 484 56 756 7 1 1,177 231 20
L 1,270 764 60 1,281 784 61 1,281 773 60 975 19 2
ML R 101 61 60 108 34 31 121 80 66 34 0 0
L 102 62 61 124 50 40 121 75 62 28 0 0
TT R 118 67 57 21 0 0 101 0 0 92 0 0
L 10 6 60 0 0 0 12 6 50 16 2 13
UNC R 34 0 0 26 1 4 20 0 0 67 0 0
L 70 36 51 70 41 59 69 17 25 51 26 51
SFOF R 32 6 19 11 2 18 42 28 67 92 0 0
L 46 26 57 79 2 3 48 32 67 51 0 0
FX 161 74 46 119 47 39 52 7 13 165 0 0
FX/ST R 55 4 7 36 10 28 1 0 0 128 0 0
L 58 11 19 77 6 8 45 7 16 307 150 49
PTR R 615 108 18 555 71 13 490 0 0 667 0 0
L 884 401 45 504 339 67 852 294 35 631 16 0
CST R 182 24 13 152 23 15 136 9 7 43 0 0
L 211 96 45 126 0 0 191 17 9 53 0 0
SLF R 651 81 12 862 427 50 443 32 7 1,268 0 0
L 547 89 16 778 84 11 700 228 33 1,426 0 0
CCG R 18 1 6 17 0 0 19 2 11 92 9 10
L 14 0 0 47 0 0 9 0 0 184 85 46

L, Left; R, Right; MCP, Middle cerebellar peduncle; GCC, Genu of corpus callosum; BCC, Body of corpus callosum; SCC, Splenium of corpus callosum; FX, Fornix (column and body of fornix); CST, Corticospinal tract; CP, Cerebral peduncle (Brainstem); ML, Medial lemniscus (Brainstem); ICP, Inferior cerebellar peduncle; SCP, Superior cerebellar peduncle; ALIC, Anterior limb of internal capsule; PLIC, Posterior limb of internal capsule; RLIC, Retrolenticular part of internal capsule; EC, External capsule; ACR, Anterior corona radiata; SCR, Superior corona radiata; PCR, Posterior corona radiata; PTR, Posterior thalamic radiation; SS, Sagittal stratum; CCG, Cingulum cingulate gyrus; FX/ST, Fornix (cres)/Stria terminalis; SLF, Superior longitudinal fasciculus; SFOF, Superior fronto-occipital fasciculus; IFOF, Inferior fronto- occipital fasciculus; UNC, Uncinate fasciculus; TT, Tapetum.