Figure 1. SK4 channels are expressed in hiPSC‐CMs derived from a healthy normal individual and a CPVT2 (CASQ2‐D307H) patient.
- Representative traces of an hiPSC‐CM derived from a healthy normal individual following a voltage ramp under the indicated conditions. Solution 1 included 300 μM CdCl2, 25 μM ZD7288, and 10 μM E‐4031.
- Representative traces of an hiPSC‐CM derived from a CPVT2 (CASQ2 D307H) patient.
- Scatter plot of the TRAM‐sensitive current densities measured at +60 mV with 1 or 5 μM TRAM‐34. Current densities were 1.00 ± 0.25 pA/pF in normal (n = 19) and 1.39 ± 0.29 pA/pF in CPVT2 (n = 18). Not statistically different (two‐tailed unpaired t‐test).
- Average traces of the TRAM‐34‐sensitive currents using 1 μM TRAM‐34 of normal (n = 4) and CPVT2‐derived hiPSC‐CMs (n = 5). For clarity, the SEM bars are shown for every mV.
- Representative Western blots of beating EB lysates from a normal individual and a CPVT2 (CASQ2 D307H) patient showing immunoreactive SK4 protein (≈50 KDa).