Figure 5. Morphological characteristics of xylem vessels in the pulvinus.
Cross-sectional X-ray images of the pulvinus branched from the main stem to the petiole side. (a) A schematic diagram shows the cross-sectional imaging positions 200 μm (b) and 2600 μm (c) from the main stem. In the pulvinus, one xylem bundle (b) and six reorganized, independent bundles were observed (c). A xylem bundle in the cross-sectional images is depicted as a white dashed circle. (d) The total circumference and (e) hydraulic conductance of the xylem vessels vary with the distance from the main stem. The circumference and hydraulic conductance rapidly increase beyond a specific point due to larger surface area and greater number of xylem vessels. Error bars indicate standard error (n = 3). Scale bar, 200 μm.