Figure 2.
The setup of the numerical experiment. (a) The phase-only phantom of two cells with individual compartments and maximum (exaggerated) phase shift of −1 rad. The size of the phantom is 512 × 512 pixels embedded in 1024 × 1024 pixels. (b) Simulated near-field intensity measurement at a Fresnel number of 10−3 (linear scaling). The left half shows the noiseless measurement, while the right-hand side shows the measurement with noise for 200 photons per pixel in the detection plane. (c) Simulated far-field intensity measurement, analogous to panel (b); a count of zero photons corresponds to white (logarithmic scale). (d) Bitmap pattern analogous to Jahn et al. (2017 ▸). The maximum phase shift is −1 rad and the size of one bitmap pixel is represented by 10 × 10 pixels in the sample plane. (e), (f) Analogous to panels (b) and (c), respectively. The solid line surrounding the objects in panels (a) and (d) marks the border of the support used in the reconstruction. The scale bar indicates 50 pixels.