Figure 4.
Resolution as a function of dose for holographic and coherent diffractive imaging. (a) The result for the cell phantom. (b) The result for the bitmap phantom. The photon number ranges from 1 to 20 000 photons per pixel. Each photon number had 30 realizations for the near- and far-field measurements. The reconstructions were carried out with RAAR and the same settings as before. (c) Δ (normalized by the number of pixels in the support N) for the cell phantom as a function of fluence. The insets (200 × 200 central pixels of the cell phantom) show different phase reconstruction snapshots (NFH left, CDI right) for fluences of 1 (black) and 50 (green) photons per pixel, with respectively coloured arrows. The inset scale bar is 20 pixels. (d) Δ/N for the bitmap. The coloured dots mark the critical fluence obtained by ML simulations.