(a) Schematic of the biophysically realistic model is shown in the top-right panel. The apical input is , and somatic input is . Left panels show the sample responses recorded in its soma. Somatic voltage VS, dendritic voltage VD, internal current IDS, dendritic Ca2+ current ICa, and instantaneous firing rate finst are plotted against time. The bottom-right close-up shows that the Ca2+ conductance is activated when dendritic voltage VD exceeds a threshold value. (b) Close-up of somatic voltage VS, K+ activation variable w, and firing rate finst. Bottom panel shows the close-up of VS trajectory in space. Five color lines indicate the times at which the nullclines are calculated. (c) Two-dimensional phase portraits in plane. The VS- and w-nullclines are respectively calculated at time point t1 −t5 indicated by colored lines in (b). Blue dotted line represents w-nullcline, and the inverted N-shape lines are the VS-nullcline at corresponding time point. Gray solid line is the VS trajectory, and black arrows indicate its direction. ‘S’ indicates stable fixed point, and ‘U’ indicates unstable fixed point. The maximum conductance of dendritic Ca2+ current is .