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. 2016 Nov 28;8(2):305–316. doi: 10.1002/jcsm.12165

Table 1.

Characteristics of the population

Total Breast cancer treatment groups Healthy women
No CT Started CT Post neo‐adj. CT Post adj. CT P * P **
Number of women 281 105 91 31 28 26
Age, mean (SD) 54.3 (9.4) 57.1 (8.7) 52.6 (9.9) 51.1 (9.3) 54.3 (7.8) 0.0011 53.3 (9.8) 0.0027
Weight, mean (SD) 72.2 (13.9) 73.6 (13.6) 71.7 (14.0) 71.0 (11.3) 74.6 (18.4) 0.60 67.3 (11.4) 0.24
Height, mean (SD) 165.9 (6.6) 164.9 (6.9) 166.3 (6.7) 166.1 (4.8) 167.3 (6.9) 0.26 166.9 (6.7) 0.33
BMI, mean (SD) 26.3 (5.0) 27.1 (5.1) 25.9 (4.9) 25.8 (4.3) 26.5 (5.5) 0.33 24.2 (4.2) 0.077
Menopausal status, n (%) Pre 67 26% 19 18% 37 41% 5 16% 6 21% 0.0035 n.a. n.a.
Peri 29 11% 10 9% 8 9% 7 23% 4 14%
Post 147 58% 73 69% 39 42% 18 58% 17 61%
Missing 12 5% 3 4% 7 8% 1 3% 1 4%
Days since surgery, mean (SD) 65.2 (49.0) 45.5 (12.7) 56.8 (22.7) 55.9 (48.2) 180.1 (50.5) <0.001 n.a. n.a.
Days since CT end, mean (SD) 55.1 (44.6) n.a. n.a. 76.4 (48.2) 27.6 (15.4) <0.001 n.a. n.a.
Mastectomy, n (%) Yes 55 22% 4 4% 33 37% 11 36% 7 25% <0.001 n.a. n.a.
Partial mastectomy, n (%) Yes 197 77% 101 96% 55 60% 20 64% 21 75%
Missing 3 1% 3 3%
Lymph nodes dissected, n (%) None 11 4% 10 9.5% 1 1.1% <0.001 n.a. n.a.
Sentinel 147 58% 76 72% 48 52% 14 45% 9 32%
Axillary 94 37% 18 17% 40 44% 17 55% 19 68%
Missing 3 1% 1 1% 2 2%
Stage, n (%) 0 15 6% 13 12% 2 7% <0.001 n.a. n.a.
1 118 46% 65 62% 36 40% 10 32% 7 25%
2 94 37% 26 25% 43 47% 15 48% 10 36%
3 27 11% 1 1% 11 12% 4 13% 11 39%
Missing 1 <1% 1 1%
Taxane, n (%) Yes 90 35% n.a. 32 35% 31 100% 27 96% <0.001 n.a. n.a.
Missing 1 <1% 1 1.%
Anthracycline, n (%) Yes 131 51% n.a. 77 85% 29 96% 25 89% 0.23 n.a. n.a.
Missing 3 1% 1 1% 1 3% 1 4%
Herceptine treatment, n (%) Yes 16 6% 0 0% 4 4% 6 19% 6 21% <0.001 n.a. n.a.
Missing 1 <1% 1 1%
Hormone therapy, n (%) Yes 79 31% 55 52% 0 0% 13 42% 11 39% <0.001 n.a. n.a.
ECOG, n (%) 0 222 87% 93 89% 79 87% 27 87% 23 82% 0.49 n.a. n.a.
1 25 10% 10 9% 6 6% 4 13% 5 18%
2 1 <1% 1 1%
Missing 7 3% 1 1% 6 6%
FAQ physical fatigue, mean (SD) 39.4 (27.1) 35.0 (26.9) 44.0 (25.5) 45.0 (25.5) 56.7 (24.5) <0.001 16.4 (18.3) <0.001
Depression (ADS), mean (SD) 25.1 (16.7) 26.6 (17.1) 25.6 (16.2) 28.9 (18.5) 26.0 (14.7) 0.83 11.8 (11.4) <0.001
Sports before diagnosis1, n (%) none 98 35% 46 44% 21 23% 14 45% 9 32% 0.14 8 31% 0.0045
>0–9 MET × h/week 77 27% 25 23% 24 26% 7 23% 7 25% 14 54%
>9–21 MET × h/week 55 20% 19 18% 24 26% 6 19% 4 14% 2 8%
>21 MET × h/week 46 16% 14 13% 21 23% 4 13% 7 25%
missing 5 2% 1 1% 1 1% 1 4% 2 8%
Cyclinga, n (%) None 98 35% 38 36% 28 31% 14 45% 10 36% 0.87 8 31% 0.26
>0–1 h/week 85 30% 32 31% 31 34% 9 29% 11 39% 2 8%
>1–3 h/week 60 21% 22 21% 20 22% 6 19% 3 11% 9 34%
>3 h/week 31 11% 10 9% 12 13% 2 7% 2 7% 5 19%
Missing 7 3% 3 3% 2 7% 2 8%

ADS, German depression scale based on Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; BMI, body mass index; CT, chemotherapy; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; FAQ, Fatigue Assessment Questionnaire with items for physical fatigue; MET, metabolic equivalent; SD, standard deviation.


Exercise behaviour in the year before breast cancer diagnosis with self‐developed surveys abstracted from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire.


P‐value for one‐way ANOVA for continuous variables and χ 2 or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables only for breast cancer patient groups.


P‐value for one‐way ANOVA for continuous variables and χ 2 or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables for all groups.