Validation of B-Raf as a modifier of the DDR in U2OS cells.
(A) U2OS cells were infected with retroviruses encoding control and B-Raf-directed shRNAs, harvested 72h after the final infection, and lysates analyzed for B-Raf and phosphor-Erk levels by immunoblotting.
(B) Control and BRAF-shRNA-II infected cells were fixed before and 1h after irradiation with 10 Gy of IR, and stained for γH2AX.
(C) γH2AX staining intensity was quantified using four representative fields containing greater than 100 nuclei total, from three independent experiments. Shown are integrated γH2AX intensity per nuclear area, normalized to that measured in the control shRNA-infected cells at 1 h after IR. Values are mean ± SEM, with p-values calculated using a Student’s unpaired t-test.