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. 2017 Feb 8;292(12):4847–4860. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.767541


Crystallographic and refinement data of StCBM64C from Spirochaeta thermophile

Statistics for the highest resolution shell are shown in parentheses. 2NV, Jeffamine ED-2001; SSN, 4-oxobutanoic acid; FMT, formic acid.

StCBM64C StCBM64C sulfur-SAD
Crystallographic data
    Source PXII (X06DA), SLS PXII (X06DA), SLS
    Detector PILATUS 2M-F PILATUS 2M-F
    Wavelength (Å) 1.0 1.8
        a (Å) = b (Å) 56.70 56.72
        c (Å) 66.74 66.74
    Space group P43212 P43212
    Molecules per ASU 1 1
    Matthews coefficient (Å3·Dalton−1) 2.71 2.71
    Mosaicity (°) 0.18 0.11
    Resolution range (Å) 43.21–1.53 (1.53–1.50) 43.19–2.38 (2.38–2.30)
     <II> 79.4 (16.0) 129.0 (92.3)
    Wilson B-factor 13.3 14.3
    Rmerge (%)a 2.8 (9.2) 3.4 (4.4)
    Rpim (%)b 0.6 (4.0) 0.5 (0.7)
    Half-data set correlation CC½ 1.00 (0.94) 1.00 (1.00)
    Multiplicity 21.8 (6.8) 45.6 (41.7)
    No. of observed reflections 394529 (5954) 237504 (20201)
    No. of unique reflections 18085 (870) 5212 (484)
    Completeness (%) 99.9 (99.0) 99.9 (98.7)
    Anomalous completeness (%) 99.4 (89.4) 99.8 (98.3)
    Anomalous multiplicity 11.6 (3.4) 25.4 (22.3)
    Figure of merit for two sulfur sites (before/after solvent flattening) 0.40/0.91

Refinement statistics
    Rworkc 0.1237
    Rfreed 0.1511
    Root mean square deviation bonds (Å) 0.013
    Root mean square deviation angles (°) 1.349
    Average B (Å2) 17.20
        Main chain 13.3
        Side chain 16.1
        Water molecules 32.5
        Ca2+ A/B 36.1 (occe 0.35)/21.0 (occe 0.43)
        Ni2+ 20.7 (occe 0.24)
        2NV 30.6 (occe 1.0)
        SSN 41.3 (occe 1.0)
        FMT 19.4 (occe 1.0)
    Amino acid residues per ASU 88
    Ligands per ASU 2NV, Ca2+, Ni2+, SSN, FMT
    No. of water molecules 87
    Total no. of atoms 888
    Ramachandran favored (%) 98.9
    Ramachandran outliers (%) 0.0

a Rmerge = [Σ|I − <I>|]/Σ<I>, where I is the observed intensity, and <I> is the statistically weighted average intensity of multiple observations.

b Rpim = [Σ √(1/(n − 1)) Σ|I − <I>|]/Σ <I>, a redundancy-independent version of Rmerge.

c Rwork = Σ||Fcalc| − |Fobs||/Σ|Fobs| × 100, where Fcalc and Fobs are the calculated and observed structure factor amplitudes, respectively.

d Rfree is calculated for a randomly chosen 5% of the reflections.

e occ, occupancy.