Fig. 4.
Chlorosis and growth suppression phenotypes observed in Dex-treated transgenic plants. Three-week-old plants were sprayed with 0.01% Tween-20 containing 2% ethanol (Control) or 0.01% Tween-20 containing 50 µM Dex (2% solution of 2.5 mM stock in ethanol) (Dex) every 24 h. a non-transformed control SR1. b Hsp90C-6, a Hsp90C-hpRNA transformant that did not show any response in the Dex-containing plate assay (Fig. 2), c iTav-3 as a positive control, d, e Hsp90C-4 and -8, selected Hsp90C-hpRNA transformed lines that showed clear chlorosis and growth suppression in the Dex-containing plate assay (Fig. 2). f–h Close-up photographs of leaves with symptom-like phenotypes from Dex-treated plants (lower panels) and control leaves from mock-treated plants (upper panels). f A typical chlorosis with mosaic patterns in Dex-treated iTav-3. g, h, chlorosis, leaf twisting and shrinking in Dex-treated Hsp90C-4 and Hsp90C-8, respectively. The photographs were taken at 7 dpt