Treatment geometries: a) with uniform AuNP concentration (30 mg/g) in the entire prostate volume; b) and c) with non-uniform AuNP concentration, which is divided into three regions: Center, Gradient (intersection of cylinders with prostate ellipsoid) and Tail region filling the rest of the prostate. b) Brachytherapy needles (and 125I seeds) are centered in the region with higher AuNP concentration (Center region). c) 125I seeds are in the Tail of the AuNP concentration. In all the geometries a), b) and c) the total mass of Au is constant at 1.96 g. Concentration in b) and c) are calculated assuming cTail=10mg/g and cCenter=2 cGradient, therefore concentration values are as follows: b) cCenter=66mg/g, cGradient=33mg/g, cTail=10mg/g; c) cCenter=64.6mg/g, cGradient=32.3mg/g, cTail=10mg/g.