Transcription Factor Dependency of Cardiac cDC Subsets
(A) Representative histogram of IRF4 and IRF8 expression of steady-state WT heart cDC1s, cDC2s, and moDCs.
(B) MFI of IRF4 and IRF8 expression on naive WT heart DC subsets shown in (A).
(C and D) MHCII+CD11c+CD64− cDCs are divided into CD24+CD172α− cDC1s, CD24+CD172α+ cDC2s, and CD24−CD172α+ cDC2s in Irf4fl/fl and Irf4fl/fl.Cd11cCre steady-state heart (C) and mediastinal LN (D).
(E) Percentage of living cells of cDCs in Irf4fl/fl and Irf4fl/fl.Cd11cCre naive heart and mLN.
(F and G) MHCII+CD11c+CD64− cDCs are divided into CD24+CD172α− cDC1s, CD24+CD172α+ cDC2s, and CD24−CD172α+ cDC2s in Irf8fl/fl and Irf8fl/fl.Cd11cCre steady-state heart (F) and mLN (G).
(H) Percentage of living cells of cDCs in Irf8fl/fl and Irf8fl/fl.Cd11cCre steady-state heart and mLN. All data in Figure 2 represent at least two independent experiments, and all bar graphs show data as mean ± SEM (∗p ≤ 0.05).