Figure 2. Effect of chronic social defeat stress and chronic agomelatine (50 mg/kg/day i.p.) on social interaction in the social avoidance test.
(A) The day after the last defeat session (Day 11), mice subjected to CSDS can be split into two groups: the susceptible mice, which display a significant reduction in the interaction ratio compared to control mice, and the resilient mice, which do not behave differently from non-stressed group and display a significant higher interaction ratio than the susceptible mice. (B) On Day 29, no significant difference was found between control-, stressed mice treated with HEC and stressed mice treated with agomelatine. Each bar is the mean ± S.E.M. of n = 19 (control mice), 11 (stressed HEC mice) and 11 (stressed AGO mice). AGO, agomelatine; HEC, hydroxyethylcellulose.