Nature of benchmarking partner |
Internal |
Comparing within one organization about the performance of similar business units or processes |
Competitor |
Comparing with direct competitors, catch up or even surpass their overall performance |
Industry |
Comparing with company in the same industry, including noncompetitors |
Generic |
Comparing with an organization which extends beyond industry boundaries |
Global |
Comparing with an organization where its geographical location extends beyond country |
Content of benchmarking |
Process |
Pertaining to discrete work processes and operating systems |
Functional |
Application of the process benchmarking that compares particular business functions at two or more organizations |
Performance |
Concerning outcome characteristics, quantifiable in terms of price, speed, reliability, etc. |
Strategic |
Involving assessment of strategic rather than operational matters |
Purpose for the relationship |
Competitive |
Comparison for gaining superiority over others |
Collaborative |
Comparison for developing a learning atmosphere and sharing of knowledge |