Figure 3. Distribution of the approved NP-related drugs, grouped into 45 target-site classes (TCs) of 20 target-site super-classes (TSs), in the drug-productive clusters DC1 to DC60.
TSs are colored as: TC1, TC2 of TS1 amine sites (LightCoral), TC3, TC4 of TS2 nucleobase sites (OliverGreen), TC5, TC6 of TS3 nucleoside sites (PalePurple), TC7-TC16 of TS4 nucleoside phosphate sites (Red), TC17 of TS5 cyclic nucleotide sites (Cyan), TC18 of TS6 aminoacyl-tRNA sites (Chocolate), TC19 of TS7 amino acid phosphate sites (Magenta), TC20, TC21 of TS8 amino acid sites (Yellow), TC22-TC28 of TS9 oligopeptide sites (Green), TC29 of TS10 peptidoglycan sites (PaleYellow), TC30 of TS11 peptidoglycan sites (Blue), TC31-TC33 of TS12 saccharide sites (OrangeRed), TC34 of TS13 cyclic oligosaccharide drug delivery systems (PaleBrown), TC35 of TS14 lipopolysaccharide sites (DarkCyan), TC36-TC39 of TS15 fatty acid, cannabinoid, eicosanoid, retinoid sites (PaleBlue), TC40 of TS16 coenzyme A & analog sites (PaleGreen), TC41, TC42 of TS17 microtubule sites (DeepPink), TC43 of TS18 opiate sites (Purple), TC44 of TS19 steroid sites (Brown), and TC45 of TS20 naphthoquinone sites (Orange).