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. 2015 Mar 20;5:9325. doi: 10.1038/srep09325

Table 2. The statistical significance of the clustering of the NPLDs in every DC. MTd is the mean Tanimoto distance of the NPLDs in each DC, MTd.rnd is the mean Tanimoto distance in randomization, NRI is a standardized effect size measure of the community structure, and P-value is the number of randomly selected NPs that are more clustered than the NPLDs in each DC divided by the number of runs (60,000 in this study). P values in bold are the ones which remain significant after Bonferroni correction with conservative α′ = 0.05/60 = 0.000833.

DC Branch No of NPLD MTD MTD.rnd NRI P-value
DC1 1 2 0.2642 1.8368 6.2835 0.00238
DC2 1 2 0.1224 1.8373 6.9228 0.00117
DC3 1 2 0.6296 1.8331 4.7303 0.00847
DC4 3 4 1.0322 1.6705 6.1005 0.00047
DC5 3 19 1.2111 1.6704 16.3408 0.00000
DC6 3 5 1.2328 1.6704 5.2077 0.00142
DC7 3 15 1.4909 1.6706 5.2466 0.00043
DC8 3 6 1.0778 1.6706 8.2775 0.00003
DC9 3 7 1.1073 1.6711 9.1502 0.00002
DC10 3 5 0.8436 1.6704 9.8633 0.00000
DC11 4 4 0.8826 1.5121 4.7221 0.00277
DC12 4 5 0.6238 1.5122 8.4309 0.00000
DC13 4 18 1.0751 1.5107 12.7659 0.00000
DC14 7 5 0.8233 1.2803 4.4320 0.00177
DC15 8 3 0.8090 1.5069 4.7523 0.00175
DC16 9 3 0.4985 1.4882 5.2888 0.00145
DC17 9 16 0.8576 1.4892 10.2529 0.00000
DC18 9 2 1.0548 1.4913 1.5675 0.06920
DC19 9 37 1.0487 1.4896 11.3267 0.00000
DC20 10 2 0.1740 1.4029 5.8662 0.00135
DC21 10 9 0.9145 1.4017 6.8067 0.00000
DC22 10 3 0.7339 1.4007 4.5322 0.00078
DC23 10 2 1.2542 1.3999 0.6864 0.15480
DC24 11 5 0.8121 1.3910 5.5223 0.00100
DC25 12 2 0.2934 1.2207 3.7910 0.00947
DC26 12 2 0 1.2202 4.9798 0.00078
DC27 12 8 0.9926 1.2208 2.9058 0.01428
DC28 12 8 0.2007 1.2200 12.9182 0.00000
DC29 12 7 0.7426 1.2203 5.5655 0.00043
DC30 13 2 0.8474 1.3667 1.9145 0.06510
DC31 14 5 1.0297 1.5449 4.2627 0.00100
DC32 14 5 0.9406 1.5439 4.9565 0.00007
DC33 14 4 1.1776 1.5454 2.5820 0.02413
DC34 14 3 0.8209 1.5460 4.0057 0.00120
DC35 14 6 0.6607 1.5452 8.3548 0.00000
DC36 15 10 0.6860 1.3351 7.9798 0.00000
DC37 16 3 0.6935 1.1435 3.4132 0.01103
DC38 16 7 0.5400 1.1431 10.9642 0.00000
DC39 17 3 0.4787 1.1665 5.0540 0.00093
DC40 17 7 0.8464 1.1671 4.7313 0.00235
DC41 17 2 0.6630 1.1649 2.3529 0.03623
DC42 17 7 0.7352 1.1663 6.3612 0.00025
DC43 20 5 0.4329 1.3241 17.2567 0.00000
DC44 20 5 0.6912 1.3241 12.1159 0.00003
DC45 20 7 0.9507 1.3238 10.0919 0.00002
DC46 21 3 0.1372 0.7713 5.0125 0.00010
DC47 21 4 0.5792 0.7708 1.8932 0.02985
DC48 24 4 0.7416 1.0739 5.7931 0.00110
DC49 24 6 0.5427 1.0740 14.5890 0.00000
DC50 26 5 0.4218 0.7916 6.3884 0.00012
DC51 26 2 0.6052 0.7909 1.1859 0.07355
DC52 28 3 0.9049 1.1883 2.4123 0.03025
DC53 28 9 0.9577 1.1880 5.9241 0.00070
DC54 30 2 0.7262 0.8764 0.7311 0.18568
DC55 32 3 0.3393 0.8538 4.4925 0.00152
DC56 32 2 0.6884 0.8548 0.9532 0.12325
DC57 32 2 0.2012 0.8550 3.7418 0.00427
DC58 32 2 0.4916 0.8533 2.0560 0.05248
DC59 32 3 0.2995 0.8535 4.8258 0.00077
DC60 33 2 0 0.9059 5.0937 0.00040