Examples of 3D-printed lab equipment noted with white arrowheads. (A) Coverslip spinner holder, lab equipment, 3D-printed parts, http://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3dpx-001230. (B) RO/DI tubing mount for laboratory faucets, http://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3dpx-000114. (C) Tube rack, http://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3dpx-000490. (D) Homogenizer tube holder, http://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3dpx-001227. Model and image credits: (A) Sam Lord (user samjlord); (B) screenshots from “Multiple uses for 3D Printing around NIH Labs,” NIH 3D Print Exchange YouTube Channel, video by Jeremy Swan published on February 6, 2014; (C) Darren Boehning (user boehninglab); and (D) Peter Allen (user pballen).