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. 2017 Apr 4;16:139. doi: 10.1186/s12936-017-1771-6

Table 2.

G6PD single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified by Illumina sequencing

X Chromosome: nucleotide coordinatea Ref SNP identifierb Gene position Coding DNA positionc Nucleotide Variation (Ref/Alt) Minor allele frequencyd Codon number and variation
X:154546029 Intron 2 T/G G = 0.021
X:154536313 rs762515 Intron 2 T/C C = 0.221
X:154536002 rs1050828 Exon 4 202 C/T T = 0.179 68 V/Me
X:154535277 rs1050829 Exon 5 376 T/C C = 0.211 126 N/Df
X:154534699 rs73638302 Intron 5 G/A A = 0.011
X:154534556 rs2515904 Intron 5 G/C C = 0.179
X:154534419 rs5030868 Exon 6 563 G/A A = 0.010 188S/Fg
X:154533860 rs2515905 Intron 7 G/A A = 0.179
X:154533413 rs5986990 Intron 8 G/A A = 0.210 372Q/Q
X:154532738 rs2230036 Exon 10 1116 C/T A = 0.210 437Y/Y
X:154532439 rs2230037 Exon 11 1311 G/A A = 0.242
X:154532293 rs2071429 Intron 11 A/G G = 0.495
X:154532214 rs77214077 Exon 12 1431 G/A A = 0.010 477P/P
X:154531643 rs1050757 3′ UTR T/C C = 0.389
X:154530445 rs12393550 3′ UTR G/A A = 0.221
X:154530400 rs113098908 3′ UTR G/A A = 0.210

aChromosomal coordinates from GRCh38.p2 assembly of the human genome (December 2014)

bRefSNP accession ID (rs number)

cOriginally described cDNA positions are provided to facilitate comparisons across different manuscripts focused on G6PD polymorphisms

dMinor allele frequency among the 95 samples evaluated by Illumina sequencing

eAlso referenced as G6PD A- 202A

fAlso referenced as G6PD A 376G

gAlso referenced as G6PD Mediterranean 563T