Delayed oral onset of swallow |
Apraxia of swallow; reduced oral sensation |
Searching tongue movements |
Apraxia of swallow |
Tongues moves forward to start to swallow |
Tongue thrust |
Residue in anterior sulcus |
Reduced labial tension; reduced lingual control |
Residue in lateral sulcus |
Reduced buccal tension |
Residue on floor of mouth sulcus |
Reduced tongue shaping or coordination |
Residue in midtongue depression |
Tongue scarring |
Residue on tongue |
Reduced tongue movement and strength |
Disturbed lingual contraction |
Disorganized A-P tongue |
Incomplete tongue-palate contact |
Reduced tongue elevation |
Residue on hard palate |
Reduced tongue elevation and strength |
Reduced A-P tongue movement |
Reduced A-P lingual coordination |
Uncontrolled bolus/premature swallow |
Reduced tongue control; reduced linguavelar seal |
Aspiration (%) before swallow |
Reduced tongue control |
Piecemeal deglutition |
Oral transit time |
Posture/treatment introduced |