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. 2017 Mar 22;2017:7592034. doi: 10.1155/2017/7592034


Lateral view Consistency of food
Oral phase Amount of bolus Possible swallowing disorders
Delayed oral onset of swallow Apraxia of swallow; reduced oral sensation
Searching tongue movements Apraxia of swallow
Tongues moves forward to start to swallow Tongue thrust
Residue in anterior sulcus Reduced labial tension; reduced lingual control
Residue in lateral sulcus Reduced buccal tension
Residue on floor of mouth sulcus Reduced tongue shaping or coordination
Residue in midtongue depression Tongue scarring
Residue on tongue Reduced tongue movement and strength
Disturbed lingual contraction Disorganized A-P tongue
Incomplete tongue-palate contact Reduced tongue elevation
Residue on hard palate Reduced tongue elevation and strength
Reduced A-P tongue movement Reduced A-P lingual coordination
Uncontrolled bolus/premature swallow Reduced tongue control; reduced linguavelar seal
Aspiration (%) before swallow Reduced tongue control
Piecemeal deglutition
Oral transit time
Posture/treatment introduced