Synthesis and characterization of agonistic micelles. (A) Doubly immunostained microscopic fluorescence images in brain ipsilateral and contralateral striatum at 24 h post-stroke attack. Immunofluorescence of vascular endothelium and A2AR are displayed in red and green respectively, the nuclei stained with DAPI is in blue. Scale bar, 100 μm. (B) The perivascular coverage of A2AR in the ipsilateral and contralateral striatum. Data are present as mean ±SD (n = 16 slices from 4 animal models), *P < 0.05. (C) Synthesis of the PEG-PLA copolymer components, EDV-AM and EDV-PM. (D) TEM image of EDV-AM. (E) Dynamic particle size distribution and zeta potential of EDV-AM. C.H.: contralateral hemisphere, I.H.: ipsilateral hemisphere, P.V.C.: perivascular coverage.