Table 1.
Factor loadings of food groups associated with inflammatory dietary pattern score.
Food group | Factor loadingsa,b |
Diet pattern scorec | |
Red meat | 0.27 |
Poultry | 0.15 |
Processed meats | 0.25 |
Organ meats | 0.03 |
Fish | −0.01 |
Refined grain | 0.13 |
Whole grain | −0.47 |
Eggs | 0.18 |
Butter | 0.17 |
Margarine | −0.003 |
High-fat dairy | 0.10 |
Low-fat dairy | 0.08 |
Soya products | −0.06 |
Liqueurs/spirits | 0.10 |
Wine | −0.23 |
Beer | 0.11 |
Hot drinks | 0.14 |
Fruits | 0.08 |
Fruit juice | −0.22 |
Leafy vegetables | 0.05 |
Cruciferous vegetables | 0.18 |
Other vegetables | 0.12 |
Tomatoes | 0.10 |
Peas and dried legumes | 0.25 |
Soup | 0.10 |
Nuts | −0.18 |
Potatoes | 0.11 |
Quiche/pie | 0.03 |
Pizza/lasagne | −0.20 |
Fried food | 0.25 |
Snacks | −0.09 |
Desserts/biscuits | −0.17 |
Chocolate and sweets | −0.001 |
Sugar beverages | 0.12 |
Low-energy beverages | 0.000 |
Condiments | 0.07 |
Salad dressing | −0.22 |
Factor loadings represent the magnitude and direction of each food group's contribution to inflammatory diet pattern. A positive factor loading indicates an increased intake of the food group. A negative loading indicates less intake of the food group.
Factor loadings ≥0.25 or ≤−0.25 are shown in bold.
Patterns were derived with reduced rank regression with a biomarker (serum interleukin-6) in 1991–1993 and 1997–1999 as response variables and 37 food and food groups as independent variables.