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. 2014 May 22;4:5031. doi: 10.1038/srep05031

Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies.

Study Subjects Study design and duration (y) Cases/subjects Lycopene source and ascertainment (dose) Stroke type Stroke ascertainment Adjustments
Jacques, 2012(19) Male and female,mean aged 54 y in Framingham Follow-up study11 99/2667 By a validated SFFQ, considering food sources and multivitamin supplements(7.9 mg/d) total stroke including transient ischemic attack Hospitalization records, physician office visit records reviewed by a panel of two neurologists, with obvious criteria Age, sex, SBP, TC, ration of TC/HDL, BMI, smoking, number of packs/d, hypertension treatment, diabetes, intake of saturated fat, energy, β-carotene, flavonol, vitamin C and vitamin E
Karppi, 2012(15) Male,aged 46–65 y,27.5% are current smoker in Kuopio Cohort study12.1 67/1031 Serum lycopene,Assessed by HPLC,(<0.03 ~ >0.22 umol/L) any stroke and ischemic stroke The FINMONICA stroke register data that annually rechecked and Finnish national hospital discharge registry and death certificate registers. age, examination year, BMI, SBP, smoking, serum LDL cholesterol, diabetes, and history of stroke
Ito, 2006(9) Male and female,aged 39–80 y, 52.4% male, 11.1% female are smokers in Hokkaido Population-based follow-up study11.9 37/3059* Serum lycopene,Assessed by HPLC,(0.3346 umol/L) total stroke Using mortality records from Agency of general affairs and the ministry of health and welfare sex, age, smoking status, alcohol consumption, BMI, SBP, serum total cholesterol, serum value of TG, ALT activity
Hak, 2004(8) Male, aged 45–70 y in Boston prospective, nested case-control analysis13 297/594 Plasma lycopene, considering dietary intakes using validated SFFQ,Assessed by HPLC ischemic stroke Medical records reviewed by neurologist BMI, TC, HDL cholesterol, history of hypertension, DM, parental history of MI < 60 y, frequency of vigorous exercise, alcohol consumption, multivitamin use, assignment to aspirin or β-carotene treatment or placebo.
Sesso, 2003(18) postmenopausal female,aged 53.9 ± 7 y in United states prospective cohort study7.2 247/38445 By a 131-item validated SFFQ,(16741 ~ 3326 ug/d) total stroke Defined as a typical neurological deficit, sudden or rapid in onset, lasting > 24 h. age, randomized aspirin, randomized vitamin E, and randomized β-carotene, BMI, exercise, smoking, PHU, parental history of MI < 60 y, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, intake of fruit and vegetables, alcohol, fiber, folate, non supplemental vitamin E and saturated fat.
Hirvonen, 2000(17) male smokers,aged 50–69 y Cohort study6.1 914/26 593 By self-administered, validated, modified diet history method.(0·59 mg/d) cerebral infarctions, subarachnoid hemorrhages, and intracerebralhemorrhages Identified from national registers by using the unique personal identification number. The validity of the stroke diagnoses has beenevaluated. age, supplementation group, SBP, DBP, serum TC, HDL cholesterol, BMI, height, smoking-years, number of cigarettes daily, history of diabetes or coronary heart disease, alcohol intake, and education.
Ascherio, 1999(16) Male,aged 40–75 y,With multivitamin supplement Prospective observational study8 328/43738 By repeated and validated FFQ, lycopene intake was updated using cumulative averages during the follow-up(3442 ~ 18798 ug/d) total stroke, ischemic,hemorrhagic, and unclassified stroke By participant's medical records, with a typical neurologic defect of sudden or rapid onset that lasted at least 24 hours Age, calendar time, total energy intake, smoking, alcohol consumption, history of hypertension, parental history of MI < 65 y, profession, and quintiles of BMI and PA.

SFFQ: semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire.

FFQ: food-frequency questionnaire.

HPLC: high-performance liquid chromatography.

FINMONICA: Finnish part of Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Diseases.

BMI: body mass index.

SBP: systolic blood pressures.

DBP: diastolic blood pressures.

TC: total cholesterol.

TG: triglyceride.

ALT: alanine transamininase.

DM: diabetes mellitus.

PHU: postmenopausal hormone use.

MI: myocardial infarction.

PA: physical activity.

*: End point is stroke mortality.