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. 2016 Nov 15;9(1):64–76. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evw271

Fig. 3.—

Fig. 3.—

AccD-like regions. Based on 22 Pelargonium species from three subgenera, the relative position of accD-like sequences, repeat-rich regions, and gaps are color-coded as detailed in the inset, genic regions are shown in gray blocks. The second (smaller) bar for subgenus Magnipetala represents the sequences of Pelargonium mollicomum and P. worcesterae. Bold lines indicate accD annotations obtained with DOGMA. Variation of selected ORFs within the accD-like region for subgenus (I) Pelargonium, (II) Parvulipetala, and (III) Magnipetala. F denotes frames 1–3, followed by the ORF number. Ranges on one line denote discontinuous ORFs, that is, ORFS interrupted by internal stop codons.