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. 2014 Jul 9;4:5633. doi: 10.1038/srep05633

Table 1. Summary of available information on experiments conducted to observe the effects of different stresses on early development stages in corals. **Fertilization *Pre larval stages.

Coral Species Development stage observed Type of stress Main Results Reference
**Acropora digitifera Fertilization, embryo development, larval survivorship and settlement Sediment Decreased fertilization, larval survivorship and settlement. Embryo development not affected Gilmour, 1999 (74)
Porites astreoides Larvae survivorships and metamorphosis Temperature Elevated temperature increases mortality and metamorphosis Edmunds et al, 2001 (18)
**Diploria strigosa Fertilization, development, and larval survivorship Temperature No significant differences in fertilization at 30,31,32°C; aberration in development at 31°C and 32°C Bassim et al, 2002 (10)
Diploria strigosa Effect on larvae, larval survivorship, and metamorphosis Combined effects of ammonium concentration and temperature Ammonium and increased temperature cause a decrease in motility and rate of settlement Bassim et al, 2003 (20)
Acropora palmata, Montastrea annularis, M. franksi Larval survivorship UV radiation Larvae from deep water parents have lower survivorship than conspecifics from shallow water parents Wellington and Fitt, 2003 (75)
Acropora muricata Larval survivorship Temperature, light condition, and presence of zooxanthellae Presence of zooxanthellae did not affect survivorship; at 36°C all larvae die within 40 hours Baird et al, 2006 (21)
**Favites abdita, F. chinensis, Mycedium elephantotus, Acropora millepora. Fertilization and early embryo development Temperature Reduced fertilization and more embryonic abnormalities with increasing temperatures in A. millepora; high level of fertilization in other corals Negri et al, 2007 (12)
Acropora solitaryensis and Favites chinesis Larval settlement and post-settlement survivorship Temperature Larval settlement is increased at higher temperatures, while post-settlement mortality increases with long exposure Nozawa and Harrison, 2007 (22)
*Acropora palmata Development, survivorship, and settlement Temperature Development is accelerated at higher temperatures and rate of mortality and presence of abnormalities are increased Randall and Szmant, 2009 (23)
*Fungia repanda, Acropora millepora, A. spathulata, Symphyllia recta Larval pre-competency Temperature Higher % of larval metamorphosis in higher temperatures Heyward and Negri, 2010 (38)
Porites panamensis Larval survivorship and settlement, and growth into primary polyps Combined effect of temperature and CO2 Survival and settlement unaffected by increasing CO2 and 1°C, polyp growth reduced by the combined effect Anlauf et al, 2011 (39)
*Montastraea faveolata Early embryo stages sensitivity UV radiation Low sensitivity during early development; susceptibility in the motile planula stage Aranda et al, 2011 (76)
Pocillopora damicornis, Seriatopora hystrix, and Stylophora pistillata Larval respiration Temperature Respiration rate was parabolic in relation to temperature, peaking at 28°C Edmunds et al, 2011 (37)
Acropora millepora, A. tenuis Larval metamorphosis Combined effects of copper contamination and temperature Synergic interactions: reducing Cu concentration prevents negative effect of 2–3°C increase Negri and Hoogeneboom, 2011 (40)
Goniastrea retiformis and Leptastrea cf transversa Larval metamorphosis and settlement CO2 No direct effects of acidification Chua et al, 2012 (77)
**Acropora palmata Fertilization and development Temperature and effect of different genotypes Genotypic diversity affects the response of fertilization and developmental success Baums et al, 2013 (42)
**Acropora tenuis, Acropora millepora Fertilization, development, survivorship, and settlement Combined effects of CO2 and temperature No effect of CO2; no effect of 2°C difference on fertilization, survivorship, and metamorphosis, increases rate of development Chua, 2013 (11)
*Goniastrea favulus, Acropora spathulata Embryo and larval survivorship Temperature Slower development at 20°C. Temperature above ambient lower survival. A. spathualata is more affected that G. favulus Woolsey et al, 2013 (17)